Michael John O’Neill

By Michael John O’Neill

“That’s why I had to get shot of this place
longer you hang about
all the fucking Bronaghs
thinking they have a right
saying they’ll pray for you
putting their hands on you”

AKEDAH is a visit home to see the sister. It’s all Northern Ireland and church and wishing it were better and would you look at that now, cutting through the marram grass, at the edge of your sight, this slow beast leering in.

Michael is a theatre producer who lives in Glasgow. He has worked with companies including Blood of the Young, Tron Theatre, Theatre Gu Leòr, National Theatre of Scotland, SUPERFAN, Little King, Royal Lyceum Edinburgh, The Arches and Traverse Theatre.

Akedah is his first full length play, and won the Original New Voice Award in 2019
