29 Plays Later – a writing opportunity from The Literal Challenge

This February, every day, you’ll get a writing brief, then you’ll have 36 hours to write a play in response. Plays can be in any length, genre and language and participation fees are shared for successful completion of challenges from your entry fee.

There are two types of entry, both cost £22.22:

STANDARD ENTRY – as per the rules, the money you send will be kept in a pot (minus admin fees) and then distributed between all those who completed the challenges on time.

UNTIMED ENTRY – if you don’t fancy the stress, you can just choose to pay for the challenge, and you will not be entered into the reward pot at the end. This means you can deliver the files whenever you like.

Registrations are now open through the website www.theliteralchallenge.com/28playslater and will be open until 28 January.


Published on:
8 Jan 2020


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