BARCELONA CITY OF LITERATURE- Carme Montoriol grants for playwrights

Started in 2019, the Carme Montoriol grants, are for playwriters in any language (catalan, spanish, english, french…) who have had at least 1 play premiered in a theatre. The name of the grants for playwrights is a tribute to Carme Montoriol (1893-1966), playwright, translator and Barcelonian poet who successfully premiered several works in Barcelona during the thirties.

The grants offer work for 2 months in a private space of a singular cultural venue in the city of Barcelona and a payment of €3.000.

Every year, 20 Montserrat Roig grants and 4 Carme Montoriol grants are awarded, divided into 2 shifts of 12 grants each.


27th January 2022.

Barcelona City of Literature grants available for writers


Published on:
24 Jan 2022
Opportunity deadline:
27 Jan 2022