Writing East Midlands are recruiting a Writer in Residence to work with adults across Nottinghamshire or Derbyshire, although all work will be delivered digitally via Zoom.
Beyond the Spectrum will invite people with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire to connect with two lead writers, each with lived experience of autism, through a series of creative writing sessions. This is a pilot project designed to reduce isolation and loneliness.
The Covid -19 lock-down has been, and will continue to be, severely felt by people with ASC. The workshops will build confidence and competencies transferable to employability, and to educational and learning opportunities.
Beyond the Spectrum is initially aimed at people with Asperger’s Syndrome, a lifelong condition affecting how a person makes sense of the world, processes information and relates to other people. The project will: strengthen participants’ capacity to interact through digital platforms, help with coping strategies, develop new networks, reduce loneliness, and contribute to national initiatives dealing with recovery from Covid-19 experiences.
This is a pilot project which is hoped will lead to a larger region-wide project in 2021.
They offer £720.00 (8 x Zoom sessions at £90 per 1.5 x hour session.) This fee is inclusive of all preparation work and materials, workshop leadership, follow-up work and evaluation.
The lead writer will:
- Plan and facilitate 8 x 1.5 hour Zoom workshops with a group of adults on the ASC spectrum.
- Be responsive and sensitive to the group and individual members interests and needs and be open in their approach.
- Be instrumental in collating evaluative data on the group’s experiences and track their own process through the creative project. The lead writer will support a uniform evaluative framework which they will be able to engage with and shape.
- Work with a shadow writer and project partners to deliver the workshops and collate qualitative and quantitate data through the process.
- Collate suitable work from the workshops into a creative anthology celebrating the work created throughout the project by participants.
They are also recruiting three ‘support writers’ at £360.00 (8 x Zoom sessions at £45 per 1.5 hour session.)
The support writers will assist with:
- Working with lead writer in planning workshop content and delivery.
- Providing support for participants.
- Managing the technical element of the Zoom online workshops.
- Mentoring and support with creative writing exercises for participants.
- Delivering and collating evaluation.
- Supporting lead writers with collating participants’ work for an anthology
5pm 30th October 2020
The successful applicant will be expected to attend a half-day induction/training workshop during the week commencing 9th November 2020.
Half day induction with autism specialist week commencing 9th November 2020.
Lead Writer writingeastmidlands.co.uk/opportunities/
Support Writer/Coordinator x 3 writingeastmidlands.co.uk/opportunities/