Blood Beats: LGBTQ+ Writers Group

Thursday, November 24 · 7 – 9pm GMT

2023- 3rd Thursday of the month

The Yard Manchester 11 Bent Street Cheetham Hill M8 8NF



Blood Beats is a cross disciplinary LGBTQ+ writing group, aimed at creating a supportive community space for writers to come together, develop through activities and workshops, as well as sharing the highs and lows of your creative journey with our peers.

Whether you’re an aspiring poet, playwright, screenwriter, or just someone who’s finding your literary language and hoping to grow as a writer, Box of Tricks want to welcome you to the first meeting of Blood Beats! Their  aim is for this group to be led by your passions and interests, and to meet your needs as LGBTQ writers, so the first session will be a chance for writers to meet, and lay out a manifesto for what Blood Beats can hopefully achieve – followed by some unstructured time where writers are free to socialise, work on their own projects (bring your own notebooks!), and rinse the Box of Tricks biscuit tin!

Blood Beats is led by Playwright-in-Residence Conway McDermott

Conway is a trans non-binary writer from Liverpool, with a passion for juicy, accessible stories which ask big questions. They first started working with Box of Tricks after winning the Screen/Play Award in 2021 and are buzzing to be continuing that relationship as Playwright-in-Residence. They’re currently writing for BBC’s EastEnders, and as part of Screen Yorkshire’s FLEX 2022 Programme, and have had work commissioned by The Theatre Royal Stratford East, The Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse, Popelei Theatre Company, and the Liverpool Light Night Festival, as well as working as an artist and performer with FACT, the Liverpool Biennale, Creative Europe, and a handful of other organizations across the UK and Europe.

Published on:
21 Nov 2022


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