Book Theatre503’s Writing Masterclasses!


We’re back with 11 new masterclasses for writers, including a weekend of in-person workshops at the 503Studio, giving you the opportunity to learn first hand from working playwrights, and to meet your peers.

Embracing Fear with Beth Steel 30 May | 7-9.30pm | on zoom

A discussion, followed by a Q&A with Beth Steel (Til the stars come down, House of Shades) on her writing but also broader questions about process, industry and other related topics.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Embracing Fear with Beth Steel

Beginnings with Natalie Mitchell | 8 June | 10.30-12.30pm | in-person

You want to write a play, but where do you start? A workshop exploring how to find inspiration in the everyday.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Beginnings with Natalie Mitchell

Developing Character with Sophie Swithinbank | 8 June | 1:30-3:30pm | in-person

A workshop on character development, making characters’ voices distinctive, dialect, sociolect and idiolect and how we can harness distinctive verbal patterns.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Developing Character with Sophie Swithinbank

Endings with Brian Mullin 8 June | 4-6pm | in-person

A workshop for anyone who is currently in the middle of a script – or anyone who wants some deep thinking about how stories function.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Endings with Brian Mullin

Finding The Story In Your Plot with Dawn King 9 June | 10:30am-12:30pm | in-person

Learn how to dive fearlessly into your story and match it with plot and character. Suitable for writers with works in progress.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Finding The Story In Your Plot with Dawn King

Being a Playwright with Roy Williams 9 June | 1:30-3:30pm | in-person

A discussion around revisiting your own work, first plays, first commissions, writing for bigger stages and whatever questions you have about writing and the industry

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Being a Playwright with Roy Williams

Redrafting with Safaa Benson-Effiom 9 June | 4-6pm | in-person

A workshop to explore implementing notes, and tackling the drafting process to help take your play from good to great.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Redrafting with Safaa Benson-Effiom

Footnotes, Graffiti, Swamps and other Forms with Joel Tan 13 June | 11.30-2pm | on zoom

A workshop to help you think of form in some fun and interesting ways, hopefully opening up possibilities for your writing projects

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Footnotes, Graffiti, Swamps and other Forms with Joel Tan

Writing for TV: Treatments, outlines and one-pagers with Anna Jordan

26 June | 11am-1.30pm | on zoom A workshop designed to demystify the process of creating pitch docs for television and help capture the essence of your big ideas on paper.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Writing for TV: Treatments, Outlines and One-Pagers with Anna Jordan

Fu@k!ng with Form with Phoebe Eclair-Power 2 July | 7-9.30pm | on zoom

A workshop looking at the relationship between form, content and structure and how you can start to f**k with form in order to enhance your content and revitalise your play.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Fu@k!ng with Form with Phoebe Eclair-Powell

Starting points: Generating raw material with Kaite O’Reilly

4 July | 7.30-9.30pm | on zoom A practical, intensive workshop filled with prompts and timed writing exercises to generate new material, exploring entry-points to being creative.

Theatre503 | Theatre503 Writers’ Programme: Starting points: Generating Raw Material with Kaite O’Reilly


Published on:
15 May 2024


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