Mind the Gap; England’s premier learning disability performance and arts company are partnering with the Bradford Producing Hub for Empowered: Series of Care events. These workshops are designed to help artists and creative organisations to support and be inclusive of those who identify as D/deaf, disabled, or neurodivergent.
Upcoming events in the Series of Care x Mind the Gap programme:
Tuesday 25 July 2023: Access Riders with Daneka Etchells
How to ask for what you need, building an access rider for disabled D/deaf and neurodivergent theatre professionals.
This session is an introduction to how to build a personalised access rider to confidently and clearly communicate your access requirements with venues, collaborators and employers.
This session is for Bradford and West Yorkshire creatives who want to learn more about creating an access rider for themselves.
Wednesday 26 July 2023: Inclusive Practice with Mind the Gap
Learn to lead with inclusion at the heart of your creative practice. Mind the Gap invites you to explore their inclusive approaches and learn how to incorporate them into your own work.
This session will be practical, so come with an open mind and be ready to participate in a fun day of inclusive activities and exercises.
This session is for Bradford and West Yorkshire creative facilitators who want to explore how they can embed inclusivity into their practice.
Thursday 27 July 2023: Building Accessible Creative Spaces with Mind the Gap
Learn to lead with inclusion at the heart of your creative practice. Mind the Gap invites you to explore their inclusive approaches and learn how to incorporate them into your own work.
This session will be practical, so come with an open mind and be ready to participate in a fun day of inclusive activities and exercises.
This session is for Bradford and West Yorkshire creative facilitators who want to explore how they can embed inclusivity into their practice.
Bursaries, access and travel costs
Bursaries and access funds are available to make these opportunities as accessible to as many people as possible. You will be asked about your financial support requirements shortly after booking onto these events.
Bursaries: a contribution towards your time to enable you to attend when you may otherwise be working. You can claim up to £50 for each of these half-day sessions.
Access costs: additional costs you may have to enable you to attend; things like disability support, BSL interpretation, translation, or childcare.
Travel costs: the cost of travel to our events ideally using public transport. If you need to take a taxi, please get in touch with us to let us know as we’ll need to approve this in advance.
They do not means-test or ask you to prove that you need this financial support, but where possible they need to agree in advance on what costs they will cover, and you will need to provide receipts to claim costs back. Please only apply for these if you need to, as this will ensure they can provide funds to those who really need them.
Series of Care x Mind the Gap – Bradford Producing Hub (bdproducinghub.co.uk)