Call for Submissions : Brown Skinned Girls

For their very first evening of shorts, Hepburn Hooks Theatre Co are seeking out four female, BlPOC playwrights whose works they will fully produce and present at a London venue to be determined.

HHTC is looking to hear stories from Black and Brown women (in the broad sense of the term). The plays may be set in any era, they may tackle whatever subject you desire, the stories may even not centre Black/Brown women at all!

Hepburn Hooks Theatre Co are quite simply looking to pick the brains of young, BIPOC female playwrights from all over the world and get a sense of how they feel about the world at large, or about very specific things in it. Let your imagination run wild, do not be afraid to be goofy, cringey, subversive and unapologetically militant, they want to see and hear it all!

The Merriam-Webster defines BIPOC as ‘Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Colour’. This must be understood as a term that includes people of the following descent : Black, Native American, Aboriginal Australians, Asian, Latinx, Middle Eastern, South-Asian, Pacific Islander, and many more…

There is no entry fee for this opportunity. One play, picked by the audience over the two evenings will be presented with the Public’s Award and receive a modest stipend. The remaining three playwrights will be offered a free year-long subscription to, the most comprehensive and up-to-date online directory of play submission opportunities available anywhere.


Entry Requirements:


  • Playwrights must be aged (at least) 18 at the time of submission.
  • Your play should have a running time of 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Your play should require no more than 4 actors and minimal props.
  • Your play should be in English (mainly).
  • The play should be original, unpublished and it should not have been performed in the UK as of the day of submission.
  • Submissions containing copyrighted material that does not belong to you cannot be accepted.
  • Unfortunately, Hepburn Hooks Theatre Co cannot yet accept musicals.
  • Your play should NOT BE BLIND.
  • The document you submit should be a PDF.

Unfortunately, written feedback will only be provided to short-listed writers. All submissions are final. No revisions to the text of a play will be accepted after it is submitted.


You can submit your application here

Or, if you have any questions please contact

For updates about the competition and their current projects, follow us on Facebook: Hepburn Hooks Theatre Co., Twitter: @hepburnhooksco and Instagram: @hepburnhookstheatreco.

Contact Details

Event dates:
5 Apr 2024 -
9 May 2024


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