Channel 4 and New Writing North Talent Development Partnership

The Channel 4 Writing for Television Awards offer a placement with an independent production company, mentoring and writing development support, and a bursary to talented writers who have not yet had a script produced for television. Writers are now invited to submit for the awards until 17 March 2022.

Writers can apply to work with Lime Pictures on the serial drama, Hollyoaks, and/or to develop original screenplays with Bonafide and Rollem Productions. The placement can take place in-person or virtually, or a combination of both, and they will discuss individual access requirements with the winning writers. The awards are free to enter and are open to writers based in the North of England. They especially welcome submissions from people of colour and those from LGBTQ+, disabled and lower socio-economic backgrounds, as well as areas of the North where access to similar opportunities is limited.

Three award winners will be offered:

  • A £3000 bursary to support them through the programme.
  • A long-term placement with a Northern-based production company, either Bonafide Films, Lime Pictures, or Rollem Productions.
  • A designated mentor to support them over nine months – this will consist of meetings, email contact and script feedback. The work of the mentors will deepen the experiences of the winning writers and provide additional support to the production companies.
  • Advice and professional development.
  • Further support at the end of the programme, including access to the Northern Talent Network and other activities provided by New Writing North.

    In addition to the three writers who win Channel 4 Writing for Television Awards, shortlisted applicants to the awards will be offered a place on a newly created Script Development Programme.

The group will be offered:

  • Bursaries of £500 each to support their participation in the programme.
  • Access to the Northern Talent Network Masterclasses and other programme aspects.
  • One feedback session each with a producer or television writer.
  • The group will meet five times and be led by a producer or writer. The focus will be on the participants developing writing and craft skills and working towards a longer piece of work.
  • Showcasing to industry as shortlisted writers on the programme.


 17 March 2022.

Published on:
4 Feb 2022
Opportunity deadline:
17 Mar 2022