This competition is for under-represented writers in the UK only. This includes people who feel their opportunities are limited as a result of: having a mental health issue; having a physical disability; having a long-term limiting illness; having a learning disability/ASD/ADHD; having a sensory impairment; having a substance misuse issue; being homeless or in temporary accommodation; being a survivor; being a care leaver; being long term unemployed; being a carer; being an offender or ex-offender; being part of the BMER/Traveller community; being part of the LGBTQ+ community; being an older person (65+)
All competition entrants will have to state how they are under-represented on the competition entry form before being accepted as a valid competition entrant. This is a funder requirement. Entrants must be 18 years of age or over.
This year’s theme is Tomorrow. Your work should respond to the theme, implicitly or explicitly, but they’re looking for quality writing first and foremost.
You can submit ONE piece of writing in one category (poetry or fiction) or ONE in each category up to and not exceeding the word limits per category:
* Poetry: maximum 42 lines
* Fiction: maximum 2,000 words
You can apply:
- online
- by post
- in person
Sunday 31 May 2020 at 11.59pm.