Devoted & Disgruntled is a nationwide conversation about theatre and the performing arts, run by theatre company Improbable.
Since 2006, they have been using a process called Open Space Technology to facilitate these gatherings where everyone’s voice can be heard and no topic is censored. There are no key-note speakers and no fixed agenda – you decide what gets worked on at the event.
“ … everyone is there on equal terms, whether you’re the artistic director of a major regional theatre or a first-year student just beginning to make work. In a theatre world that is often competitive and jealously guards knowledge like a miser, this is a place where expertise and experience are shared with real generosity and no strings attached. Devoted and Disgruntled is not just a talking shop – it actually spurs action and initiatives such as mentoring schemes, the sharing of skills and spaces, and people coming together creatively and making work.
Lyn Gardner
To see the upcoming events programme, to volunteer and to propose your own event please go to