Funding from the Granada Foundation- for orgs in the North West

Organisations (preferably with charitable status) based in the north-west of England are invited to submit proposals for projects that encourage and promote the study, practice and appreciation of science and the arts.

Awards of £500 to £10,000 are made 3 times a year (average award is around £2,000). Larger grants can be awarded if the project is particularly innovative and has a strong artistic or scientific content.


  • The aim of the Granada Foundation is to make the north-west of England region (including Cheshire, Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside and Cumbria) a richer and more attractive place in which to live and work.
  • The Advisory Council interprets the guidelines in a flexible way, realising that it cannot hope to achieve a true balance across all areas of activity or geographic area. It does, however, examine the context of each application and tries to make grants in areas where the benefit will be most widely felt.
  • They accept applications within the North West, UK. Areas including, Cheshire Greater Manchester, Lancashire, Merseyside and Cumbria.
  • They expect applicants to demonstrate they are seeking funding from other sources. We will not be sole funders of any project and applicants should not expect 100% of funding unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • The Foundation will not provide salaries (except residencies) nor take on long-term revenue funding and, because funds are limited, the Foundation cannot support the following:
    • Individuals (for whatever reason)
    • Courses of study
    • Expeditions or travel abroad for whatever other reason
    • General appeals
    • Nor, in general, youth and community associations


10 February 2021

The Advisory Council will next meet to consider applications on Thursday, 18th February 2021.


How to apply

Published on:
26 Jan 2021
Opportunity deadline:
10 Feb 2021


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