Hampstead Theatre is looking for original plays and promising writers. They want to read engaging stories, writing that takes risks and plays that speak to a modern audience. If the voice is refreshing, or if the play is delivered with power, rigour or wit, they want to read it.
The theatre will accept scripts from writers all year round.
- They are only able to accept plays from writers who are not represented by an agent via this submission process
- All submissions must be from writers based in the UK
- All plays must be unperformed
- They can only accept one play per writer per year
- All plays must be full length (roughly speaking over 50 pages)
- They are unable to accept short plays or adaptations
Congratulations on this initiative! Do you accept plays in translation, needled to say with the playwright’s consent?
Many thanks,
M Ann Vargas
5:08 pm, 17 Sep 2019
I’m unsure on the Hampstead Theatre’s policy here- I just use this page to promote usual opportunities and events for playwrights. Please do get in otuch with the Hampstead theatre directly by following the link
Chloe Smith
Bruntwood Prize Co-ordinator
5:11 pm, 17 Sep 2019