WEBINAR SESSION 2: Join Bruntwood Prize winning writer Phoebe Eclair Powell and Bruntwood Prize International Prize winner kimber lee

Thursday 17th March 

7.30pm GMT

ZOOM- Register in advance for this webinar:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XT7iYpf5Sx-ziNlDbnnEmg

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BSL Interpreted

Join Bruntwood Prize winning writer Phoebe Eclair-Powell and Bruntwood Prize International Prize winner kimber lee for the second of our four Zoom support webinars. Phobe and kimber will be discussing the role of the script reader, and Judge- and their experiences of the Bruntwood Prize in 2019.

If you would like a ask a question prior to the event- please email bruntwood.prize@royalexchange.co.uk or tweet us at @bruntwoodprize.

The audience will not appear on screen, so please don’t feel that attending will compromise your anonymity.

Please email bruntwood.prize@royalexchange.co.uk with any further access requests

Published on:
24 Feb 2022