Middle Child- Weekly writing exercises with Tom Wells- WEEK 5

Middle Child in Hull would usually open applications for their Writers’ Group with Tom Wells right about now but… pandemic. So Tom is kindly sharing some weekly exercises that first-time writers can do from home, starting  with Voice (featuring hummus).


Week 2

The second of Tom Wells’ online playwriting workshops is now up. This week; create a character and write our first monologue:


Week 3 

This week’s topics are Dialogue and Scenes. You’ll have a look at the way people talk to each other in real life, the way characters talk to each other on stage, and the way this can be shaped into a scene that feels sparky, energetic and alive. We’ll start gently, though, with a bit of Gogglebox…..



Week 4 

Making Worlds https://www.middlechildtheatre.co.uk/2020/04/15/playwriting-with-tom-wells-4-making-worlds/


Week 5 

Planning https://www.middlechildtheatre.co.uk/2020/04/22/playwriting-with-tom-wells-5-planning/


Published on:
20 Apr 2020


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