Welcome to Morgan & Abi’s Power Share.
What would you do with a little taste of power? Would you share it, the way we always say we’ll do? Or would you keep it for yourself?

In an industry that often feels inaccessible, where opportunities are out-of-reach for so many, we want to examine the reality of carrying out an altruistic idea.

Morgan Lloyd Malcolm and Abi Zakarian will be in residence during their week and invite you to pop in. They will be joined by a different co-curator every day. There will be workshops, play readings and in the evening four short pieces, all programmed by the co-curators. We’ll also make space during the day to come and talk to us about writing, working and navigating this industry.

Performance dates & time
Monday 16th – Saturday 21st March 2020
10.00am – Workshop from Co-Curator
3.00pm – Play Reading
8.00pm – Performance

Evening Performances: all tickets £10.00
Workshop and Reading tickets: Pay What You Can (all proceeds will be donated to the following charities: Crisis, Clean Break and Black Ticket Project)

Published on:
10 Mar 2020