New Views- National Theatre playwrighting programme for schools

New Views is a year-long in-school playwriting programme for students aged 14-19. Each school is paired with a professional playwright who supports students to write their own original 30-minute plays. The programme includes Teacher CPD, tickets to an NT production and entry into a competition where selected plays are performed at the National Theatre.

Any school or college can apply to take part in New Views. The programme is for school years 10–13, although slightly younger students may take part.

The cost for participation in New Views is:

State schools: £300
Independent schools: £600

Bursaries are available for state schools if the cost is a barrier to participation. The independent school cost includes a state school’s place on the programme.

The New Views programme empowers students to:

  • Tell stories that matter to them
  • Develop playwriting techniques such as independent working, communication, and research through feedback
  • Understand the power of theatre to create a shared experience of storytelling
  • Explore and communicate ideas on the changing world
  • Present different perspectives

Teachers will:

  • Gain skills as practical facilitators
  • Learn how to explore a range of relevant topics through creative writing



Thursday 21 August 2023.


New Views | National Theatre

Published on:
13 Jun 2023
Opportunity deadline:
21 Aug 2023


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