Salary: £10k-£15k
Hours: Part time
Location: North East
New Writing North is working in partnership with the Newcastle Hospitals Charity Arts Programme and is seeking to recruit a Writer in Residence to engage with staff across Newcastle Hospitals to help them tell their stories.
They are seeking an accomplished writer with experience of supporting and inspiring other people to tell their stories, including those who are reluctant and inexperienced writers, as well as those who are more confident and ambitious for their writing. The writer will work with staff across Newcastle Hospitals sites, which include RVI, Freeman, Regent Point and community sites.
The residency has the following aims:
- To support staff to tell their own stories, providing them with creative writing skills and editorial support.
- To collect stories and perspectives told to the writer by the staff.
- To provide opportunities for creative self-expression and social connection amongst staff.
- To put staff at the centre of celebrations marking the 75th anniversary of the NHS in Newcastle by publishing and celebrating a new book of stories written and told by staff from across the Newcastle Hospitals.
- To leave a legacy following the residency, so that staff can continue to meet together, write and share their work, and also so that they can access New Writing North’s ongoing provision; courses, masterclasses, events, awards scheme etc.
- Through the residency the writer will identify programmes which engage a range of members of staff no matter what their level of writing confidence, literacy levels or experience. This will range from informal drop-in sessions with the writer; a structured programme to develop complete pieces; callouts for submissions; taster workshops; interviews with staff to tell their stories; pen portraits written by the Writer in Residence of staff at work (if appropriate). The writer themselves will also generate their own work as part of the residency. A final publication, launched at the end of the residency will accommodate a variety of approaches. The writer will be supported by project managers from NWN and Newcastle Hospitals Charity (NHC).
The residency will run from early August 2023 to April 2024. The residency will total 60 days, and delivery will be approximately 2 days per week but you will be required to work flexibly, depending on the best times for staff workshops and events to take place.
Job Responsibilities
- Support and inspire other people to tell their stories, including those who are reluctant and inexperienced writers, as well as those who are more confident and who are ambitious for their writing
- Provide editorial feedback on people’s writing
- Use a range of techniques to get the best creative writing out of people
- Have the confidence to try out a range of methods of engaging staff at the hospital
- Be well-organised and be willing to manage your own workload and time
- Write your own work as part of the programme
- Compile and edit an anthology of work coming out of the residency
- Identify writing talent and potential amongst staff
- Identify ways in which creative writing opportunities can continue at the hospital upon completion of the residency
- Contribute to the evaluation of the programme including writing a reflective diary as part of the process.
- Ensure that some work is made available for the NHS Staff Stories project in time for its culmination in November 2023
Fri, 14 Jul 2023