Outside Edge Free Drama workshops- for women affected by addiction

Female-led, fun and free, this group is specifically created for women affected by addiction & in recovery. Anyone who enjoys (or thinks they might enjoy) drama and creativity is welcome, but they require abstinence on the day of the activity.

Until further notice, all OETC drama workshops will take place online. Even though most participants will join in for a video chat, as long as you have access to a phone (yes, even a landline!) you will be able to participate in the activities.

During your induction call they will go through the steps required to join in the activities using a smart phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or an old fashioned telephone.

Virtual Workshop & Activity Schedule (May 11- May 15)


Monday- Edge Two (6:30pm-8:30pm)

Tuesday- Theatre Club (6:30pm-8pm)

Wednesday – Write Now (3:30pm- 5:30pm) – Drop-in Drama (6:30pm- 8:30pm)

Thursday- Virtual Theatre Trip (7pm)

Friday- Peer-led Check-in (1pm- 3pm)



Published on:
14 May 2020


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