The programme is open to anyone who has an interest in writing or theatre-making regardless of their curriculum study choices or their experience. There’s no need to have any writing experience to join, just a keen interest in storytelling and a need to talk about how we live.Participants will learn about the basic rules of playwriting and creating work for the stage, tutored by professional playwrights, actors, directors and designers. The 9-month programme is FREE and ends with a professional production of each of the Young Writers’ short plays in summer 2020.
This year, for the first time, they will be running the workshop sessions on a Monday evening at Qube, Oswestry and on a Tuesday evening at The Hive in Shrewsbury. Each group will have 9 monthly sessions in total starting on 4th & 5th November (Full dates are listed below). The first sessions on 4th & 5th November will be run as taster sessions to give potential participants an idea of what the course will entail.
Pentabus Young Writers Tutors are all professional writers and/or Directors. They will be supported by designers, actors and composers connected to the company. Two sessions will include professional actors who will read the students work in progress.
Sessions 1 – 4 will explore the principles of writing for the stage. How to create tension, how to construct characters, how to take your writing on a journey, towards an action. How to begin and end a play. Sessions 5 – 9 will be about the creative tools for production. How best to incorporate design, sound, lighting, music and stage directions. Participants will decide what they would like to write about. They will work through draft stages and examine their text with professional actors and singers.
Participants write a short play or a solo performance piece. The form and content are up to them. In July 2020, Pentabus will professionally produce the participants‘ work.