Literature Wales has announced a brand new funding scheme for Wales-based writers from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, and writers with a disability or illness (mental or physical).
Platforming Under-represented Writers is a pilot funding scheme offering grants of between £50-£1000 for a professional development opportunity within literature. The scheme aims to encourage writers from under-represented backgrounds to develop their professional and artistic potential and to create opportunities to kick-start or advance their career.
Writers can apply by submitting ideas to support a professional development opportunity of their choice. These could include
- attending a conference or event
- shadowing an established writer for training purposes
- development costs for a new way of working
- delivering a series of community-based workshops.
Applications are welcomed from
- Wales-based writers working across all literary forms, from poetry and prose, to spoken word, rap, and graphic novels.
5.00 pm on Wednesday 21 August 2019.
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