Playwriting Micro-Commission- open to new writers based in North East UK

This opportunity is open to new writers based in North East UK, aged 14 or over & should explore the themes of the play: (the power of) community, kindness, coastal towns, (being) lost & found, triumph over adversity, unlikely friendships & perception of strangers.

They are offering 

  • £100

  • Feedback and mentoring support

  • The opportunity for your work to be showcased at a small, closed industry sharing

They are looking for 

  • Writers at an early stage of their career for whom the opportunity to have their work performed will provide a significant impact

  • Plays no longer than 8 minutes and with two characters (1m, 1f). They should be set in a neutral location and not be reliant on costume, set or extensive props.

  • Scripts should be typed using 12-point font and numbered pages.

  • Work should include a title but not your name as the chosen work will be selected with anonymity.


June 27th 2020.

All plays will be read, by the project creative team, feedback will be given to 20 shortlisted plays, from this shortlist 2 shows will be given treatment by a director and two actors, the playwrights will be able to observe elements of the creative process and a performance of the works to an invited audience.


Published on:
2 Jun 2020


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