Pontardawe Art Centre’s Script Slam 2019/Script Cafe 2019

Script Cafe 2019

A new season of workshops with fellow scriptwriters and theatre makers to advise, critique and inspire you in your writing. Script café is an informal, friendly night out where everyone is invited to take part.

Tuesday September 17th  at 7.30pm. Learning from the professionals.

An evening of reading scripts that have made it. Please bring a short excerpt of a script you enjoy (either in print or from online e.g. BBC witers room library).

Tuesday October 15th  at 7.30pm. Write, write, write

An evening of writing. Please bring a writing exercise that you have found useful and challenge the group to get writing.

Tuesday November 19th at 7.30pm. Open Mic night.

Sharing our work. Bring a 5 minute excerpt of your work and hear it being read and discussed by other members of the group. Send it in advance to Celia and she’ll cast it.

If you’d like to bring along a script to the open mic nights – or if you want to know more about script cafe, please contact Emily: emily@myphone.coop or Celia: celia.t@ntlworld.com


Pontardawe Arts Centre are also seeking submissions from Wales based writers for their 2019 Script Slam.

Twelve scripts will be selected and performed in three heats during the autumn season in front of an audience and a panel of judges. The judges (Derek Cobley, Chelsey Gillard and Dean Verbeck) will give feedback on all the pieces and select one script to be taken on to the final. In addition, the audience will select their favourite piece which will also be taken on to the final.


The Heats will take place on :

Tuesday 1 October

Tuesday 29 October

Tuesday 26 November

With the final taking place on Tuesday 28 January 2020


The scripts will be performed as script in hand performances under the direction of Dean Verbeck.

Following feedback from the heats writers of the selected pieces will be given the opportunity to revise their piece in readiness for the final (revised scripts to be submitted by 14 January 2020).

At the Grand Final, the judges will select a winning script and the writer given the opportunity to work with Louise Osborn as dramaturge on the development of the script and then with the Arts Centre on a research and development week with director and two actors to develop the piece towards production.



If you would like more information please email to a.dickinson@npt.gov.uk


Published on:
16 Aug 2019