The workshop is free to attend but capacity is limited to 15 people, so places will be awarded based on a simple application.
The workshop is preceded by a public lunchtime talk, which is open to anyone, not just workshop attendees.
Introductory lunchtime talk: Tuesday 30 March, 12.30-1.30pm
Workshop: Wednesday 31 March & Thursday 1 April, 11am-4pm
Contemporary performance makers Quarantine are holding an online workshop exploring relationship to place through processes of mapping and modelling.
Over the past year, many of us have spent more time at home than we might have expected. Quarantine ensemble members are leading a two-day online workshop exploring mapping inside our four walls and venturing beyond them.
They will share processes, talk about what they’re working on right now, and use their current projects as a starting point to explore new territory.
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