Quay Words and Libraries Unlimited Writer-in-Residence: Exploring the stories of Exeter’s Women

Libraries Unlimited are seeking submissions for a Writer-in-Residence this coming spring 2021. The chosen writer will be in residence for two months, firstly at Exeter Library in February followed by Exeter Custom House in March.

They are interested in the shared writer-in-residence developing work from the theme of ‘Exploring the Stories of Exeter’s Women’. They seek creative responses to this idea and are interested in hearing how you will research and gather stories, both historical – using the collections held by Libraries Unlimited – and contemporary stories from Exeter locals.

They are seeking to appoint a writer, stohttps://literatureworks.org.uk/opportunities/quay-words-and-libraries-unlimited-writer-in-residence-exploring-the-stories-of-exeters-women/ryteller, spoken word artist or other wordsmith to be in residence for the equivalent of at least one day per week during the two-month period. In addition they will ask you to deliver four public facing events or workshops, and produce a final short piece or performance inspired by the residency. There is a fee of £2000.



Published on:
18 Nov 2020