13 – 17 Jan 2020, 10am – 4pm daily
Longfield Hall, 50 Knatchbull Road, London, SE5 9QY
20 places at £300
4 bursary places (free)
In January 2020 RASH DASH are going to be running their first weeklong workshop in approaches to making devised/physical theatre. The workshop is for professionals with at least 2 years experience as a director, writer, performer, choreographer/movement director, theatre maker.
Be prepared to move, work in contact with other bodies (safely and within your boundaries), share ideas you’re at the beginning of making, work collaboratively with other theatre makers / performers, watch and listen as other people make and play.
The workshop will be led by Helen Goalen and Abbi Greenland.
To apply, please send Rash Dah 300 wordswhy you would like to take part in the residency. If you require one of the 4 bursary places please let them know in your application. They’ll let you know by December 13th. If you apply but then need to withdraw before that date, please let them know so the place can go to someone else.
They’re looking to run another residency in Manchester in 2020, so if you’re based in the north, that might be more convenient for you.
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