Royal Court- Rolling Script Submissions

The Literary Office is dedicated to finding exciting new plays that ask bold questions about the way we live now. They receive around 2000 plays every year, all of which are considered as part of the Royal Court commitment to encounter and support new playwrights.

The script submissions system is a point of access for writers to share their work with the Royal Court. It is a way for them to get to know writers and to build new relationships, rather than a service guaranteed to provide detailed feedback on every submitted script. It’s not about sending them the perfect play, but offering the theatre the chance to spot your ambition, theatricality and unique perspective on the world.


  • They can only accept scripts as a PDF or Word document with a maximum size of 10MB.
  • They are only able to accept full length plays – as a guide, we suggest this would be a minimum of around 50 pages or 25-30 pages for a monologue.
  • They are unable to accept more than one submission from a writer at any one time.
  • They do not read screenplays, novels, poetry collections, radio plays or adaptations.
  • They do not read musicals nor historical/biographical plays as we so rarely have an opportunity to produce this work. If you are unsure, please get to know our work through coming to see productions and looking through our archive.
  • Unfortunately, they cannot consider resubmissions or new drafts of plays we have read and responded to, unless they have specifically requested a new draft.

Script Submissions



Published on:
8 Oct 2021