Seed Commission- Popelei Theatre

Popelei Theatre wants to hear more female stories. They are opening a commission for performance-based work with narratives focused around women.

This opportunity is suitable for ideas and projects at the beginning of their creative life. They want to hear from any artists or collectives in need of collaborative artistic support and initial financial backing to help you move things forward.



30th September 2018.

They will invite shortlisted applications for an informal meeting to chat through your proposal.


What Popelei can offer:

•    Seed commissions of up to £1000 towards research and development time and space in London or Bristol.
•    Help organising an informal initial sharing of the work in front of an audience.
•    Mentoring and advice.
•    Creative support with script development, dramaturgy and workshopping ideas.
•    Ongoing development. We are keen for commissions to form the beginning of ongoing creative collaborations between Popelei and other artists.

Apply with a 1 page document outlining
•    A brief outline of your project proposal and why you want to tell this particular story.
•    Brief background on your past work and artistic practice.
•    Your ideal timeline.


Submit your application to Tamsin Clarke, Artistic Director at

Published on:
4 Sep 2018


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