Sheffield Theatres Open Script Submission.

Sheffield Theatres are on the lookout for bold, brilliant new scripts and exciting new voices living in their region, and therefore invite writers to share their work with via The Open Script Submission.

The Open Script Submission is a chance for local writers to connect with Sheffield Theatres, to gain tailored support, advice and learning opportunities for those looking to develop their skills in scriptwriting. Applicants may be considered for one of our talent development opportunities, or be invited to meet an industry professional from our creative team to discuss your writing and ways in which Sheffield Theatres can support, develop or connect with other talented voices.

Writers will hear the outcome of their submission once we have assessed all of the work, please allow up to five months for this process. Please note that due to limited resources, they are currently unable to offer feedback on all the scripts we receive.


  • Applicants should be from or currently live within a 25-mile radius of Sheffield, or should have a clear connection to the city and/or surrounding area.
  • They encourage those in the early-mid stages of their careers to apply.
  • Scripts must be submitted either as a PDF or Word document, including a 400 word max summary of the script in the document (not as a separate attachment)
  • Only one script may be submitted per writer and any length script will be accepted, though they would recommend it be the strongest example of your work, so early drafts are not advisable.


Friday 17 December.

Published on:
17 Nov 2021
Opportunity deadline:
17 Dec 2021