Free Writers Room at the Albany Theatre

If you’re a writer and are looking for a free space to write, create or work on projects in a friendly and supportive environment, Spread the Word would love to offer you their Room 9 as a free space to write.

Based at the Albany, Room 9 will be available to use every Thursday from October 2019. The room has wi-fi, plug outlets and kitchen utilities such as a small fridge, microwave and kettle. Room 9 is also a wheelchair-friendly space.

The Albany is a lively place to be, they we can’t guarantee that the areas surrounding Room 9 will be quiet.

The dates and times for 2020 are:

Thursday 5 March 10am – 5pm
Thursday 12 March 10am – 5pm
Thursday 19 March 10am – 5pm

Writers are welcome to come and drop in to use the room at any time during these days. The room’s capacity is 8 people. Writers are welcome to phone ahead (we’re on 020 8692 0231 ext 249) to check capacity before leaving, though they cannot guarantee the room will be available by the time you arrive!

Published on:
2 Mar 2020