Stage to Page- Playwrights Studio Scotland

Stage to Page is a voluntary collective of writers, directors and actors who meet monthly to conduct short public workshops of scenes from brand new plays.

This exploration of new writing is an opportunity for writers to be actively involved in an exciting workshop process, hear their work being read and get feedback from directors, actors and the audience.

It is led by a different guest each month, drawn from Scotland’s thriving community of writers, directors and theatre practitioners.


When is Stage to Page on?

Stage to Page takes place on the last Monday of each month at 7pm, usually in the CCA, 350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3JD, although sometimes the collective venture out to other cultural venues across the city. They ask everyone attending Stage to Page to pay a £3 entry fee which contributes to the cost of running the event. The diary for Stage to Page 2018 is:


Monday 29 October | CCA
Submission Deadline:
 Friday 19 October, 5pm
Guest: Kate Nelson

Monday 26 November | CCA
Submission Deadline:
 Friday 16 November, 5pm
Guest: Michael Hines


What happens at Stage to Page?

Stage One

Writers submit scenes. (One week before the event.)

Directors are selected (One week before the event)

Stage Two

Scenes are read anonymously  and three will be selected to receive a short, one-hour workshop on the night of Stage to Page.

Stage Three – On the night!

6.30pm – Actors, directors and observers arrive, pay their £3 contribution then actors put their names in envelopes that describe the gender & age of the characters that best suit them.

7.00pm – Guest and evening introduced. Scenes are cast at random.

7.30-8.30pm – Scenes are developed for an hour in open rehearsals.

8.30-9.45pm – After a quick refreshment, scenes are read by the actors for the whole group. The Guest will then invite comment and feedback on the scenes.

They also encourage people to come along to observe the workshops, hear the reading and take part in the discussion.


To submit a script please go to

Published on:
15 Oct 2018


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