The BBC Young Writers’ Award= Open to 14-28 year olds

The BBC Young Writers’ Award with Cambridge University is now open for submissions – with broadcaster Katie Thistleton chairing the judging panel.

Now in its seventh year, the BBC Young Writers’ Award with Cambridge University invites all young people in the UK aged between 14-18 years to submit stories of up to 1,000 words.

The Award shortlist will be announced on Radio 1’s Life Hacks in September. The five young writers shortlisted will have their stories narrated by an actor, and recorded for an exclusive broadcast, as well as being published in an anthology. The shortlisted writers are also invited to take part in a creative writing workshop with a leading writer and the winner will receive a special one-to-one mentoring session with an author.

The BBC Young Writers’ Award with Cambridge University was launched as part of the tenth anniversary celebrations for the BBC National Short Story Award and aims to inspire and encourage the next generation of writers. Previous winners are Brennig Davies (2015), Lizzie Freestone (2016), Elizabeth Ryder (2017), Davina Bacon (2018), Georgie Woodhead (2019) and Lottie Mills (2020).



  • The BBC Young Writers’ Award is open to UK residents aged 14-18 years old.
  • Stories submitted must be original fiction of not more than 1,000 words.


Monday 22 March 2021.

Published on:
22 Jan 2021