The Bush Theatre Open script submission

If you are a playwright, are not currently represented by an agent, and have a play to share with The Bush, then they would love to receive it during their submissions window. the Bush Theatre is committed to discovering the best new plays from playwrights who may be unknown to them

The Bush Theatre exists to produce original plays that provoke conversation and are theatrically bold. They want to house voices and stories that reflect the diversity of contemporary society.

All scripts that are received are considered by Bush Theatre readers, which is a team made up of professional playwrights, directors and other artists. The senior creative team including the Associate Dramaturg and Associate Director oversee the submissions process.
Two of their Emerging Writers’ Group writers will be selected from this year’s unsolicited submissions, and for many more writers, submitting your script is the beginning of a relationship with the Bush. They have committed to meeting with at least 25 writers through meetings or phone calls, and 100 more will receive feedback via email.

They will always inform you of the final outcome. The large volume of submissions we receive means this process can take up to 6 months and are unable to enter into conversation about plays that we do not wish to take further.

They do not accept

  • Redrafts of plays previously read by the Bush
  • Plays which have received a production
  • Screenplays
  • Musicals
  • Adaptations or works in translation
  • Multiple submissions


15th December

Published on:
7 Nov 2019