The Eclipse Award aims to help UK Black* artists, based outside of Scotland, who make boundary-pushing performance work to undertake an Edinburgh Fringe run. This new award has been launched by Eclipse and Summerhall in response to the lack of Black artists presenting work at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
The award is for a Black-led company or artist to take on a supported run at Summerhall from 31 July – 25 August 2019.
12 noon Monday 4 February 2019.
They will be in touch with the successful applicant/s by Friday 15 February
They are looking for work meeting the following criteria:
- Engaged, contemporary performance
- Created by Black artists or a Black-led company basing their practice in the UK, outside Scotland
- Artists who are available to commit to a full Edinburgh Fringe run in 2019
- Artists or companies with the capacity to take advantage of the opportunity to showcase work to press and promoters
What’s included in the Award?
- £10K cash bursary
- A full run at one of Summerhall’s venues on a straight box office split, 70% to the company and 30% to the venue.
- A bespoke package of marketing support including press, PR and a valuable advertising package.
- Some technical support.
- Producing guidance.
- Full backing of the UK’s principal Black-led touring company.
- Fringe registration
- Mentorship
- A considered package of care
Who can apply
Black artists or Black-led companies based in the UK outside Scotland.
Student and non-professional companies are not eligible to apply.
Arts Council England NPOs are not eligible to apply.
* Eclipse are using “Black” to include anyone marginalised for their race or ethnicity.