The Fleabag Support Fund will reopen for applications on the 8th September 2021.

The objective of this fund is to provide a SMALL CRISIS GRANT to those that prove the greatest need.

If you are re-applying to the Fleabag Support Fund, please note that you will need to download and complete a new form. If you have received a grant in the previous months you will not be considered for another grant for 3 months. i.e. If you were successful in June you will not be considered for another grant until September.


  • All who have worked professionally in the theatre industry, this includes on stage, front of house, backstage workers, comedians, cabaret performers, commercial dancers.
  • Applicants must be based in the UK and must have a UK bank account.
  • Applicants must have been in active work within the theatre industry during 2019. CV’s will need to be supplied with dates of employment.
  • Applicants will need to supply evidence of current Government benefits. For example, Universal Credit breakdown, tax credits and local housing allowance award. The information supplied must clearly show the applicants name and address with a complete breakdown.
  • If applicant have received SEISS payments proof of amount paid will need to be supplied.
  • If you are not in entitled to any Government benefits, please explain why, you will need to provide proof. If the reason you are not entitled to benefits is because you have no recourse to public funds you must supply proof i.e. Biometric resident permit or copy of your passport.

Published on:
1 Sep 2021