The London Library Emerging Writers Programme

The London Library Emerging Writers Programme, now in its third year, is a unique opportunity which offers writers, in all genres, one year’s free membership of The London Library and includes writing development masterclasses, literary networking opportunities, peer support and guidance in use of the Library’s resources. With its rich cultural heritage, extensive open access book collection, dedicated writing spaces and its diverse community of established writers, the benefits of Library membership are invaluable.

The London Library Emerging Writers Programme is open to anyone over 16 years of age who is committed to pursuing a career in and developing their writing. Applicants should be working, or planning to work, on a specific project, with the aim of publication or production, have a clear idea of how they might use the Library’s resources to achieve that aim and be willing to fully participate in all elements of the Programme. There is no application fee and participation on the Programme is funded.

The Programme runs from 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022 and is designed to take place as much as possible at the Library. However, it will be adapted to move online as much as is required according to Covid-19 restrictions (much of this year’s Programme has successfully been adapted to take place online).



11am on 5 March 2021.


The Virago Participation Bursary has been funded by Virago Books to support Black women and Black writers from other underrepresented genders to overcome any financial barriers that would prevent them from accessing the full Programme, including travel costs, supporting childcare or other caring responsibilities and any other costs incurred in order to participate fully in the Programme. Successful applicants who are eligible will be invited to apply for the bursary on acceptance of their place on the Programme.

Published on:
1 Feb 2021
Opportunity deadline:
05 Mar 2021


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