The Painkiller Prize

Bitter Pill are launching The Painkiller Prize: a new (and hopefully annual) playwriting prize, but with a twist.

Unlike many other prizes, they will not be asking for completed scripts. Instead, playwrights will be invited to submit a pitch form for a new idea alongside a sample of their writing.

Particularly, they want to celebrate an audacious and thought-provoking playwright who places humour at the heart of their work.

After the submission window and alongside award winning playwright and director Jon Brittain, (Rotterdam, The Crown), they will then meet with a small group of shortlisted writers before selecting the winner, who will receive a commission of £7,500 to write a new play.

They will then work with the selected playwright to develop their play ahead of a rehearsed reading at a theatre in central London.

Playwrights will also have the opportunity to consult with a range of leading industry figures throughout the drafting process.

All UK-based playwrights will be eligible to submit a treatment/pitch for a play with a maximum cast size of 4.



Monday 13 November 2023



PAINKILLER PROJECTS | bitterpilltheatre

Contact Details

Event dates:
7 Sep 2023 -
7 Sep 2023
Opportunity deadline:
13 Nov 2023