TV Drama Writers’ Programme 2022

Applications for the 2022 TV Drama Writers’ Programme are open until noon on Mon 13th September for credited and/or agented writers. The credit can be in TV, radio, theatre or film. 10 writers will be paired with an indie to develop & write a 1st ep script

Writers will be commissioned to write a minimum of two drafts of a treatment and a minimum of three drafts of their original script. They will be paid a minimum script fee as agreed by the WGGB/PMA and the BBC on a favoured nations basis (currently £13,320 for 60 minutes).


  • Writers must have at least ONE professionally produced piece of narrative scriptwriting work, a minimum of 30 minutes in length, in television, radio, theatre or film. Novels are ineligible and will not be accepted. ALTERNATIVELY writers must have an agent, supplying address and contact details.
  • Writers are asked to submit an original spec script (minimum 50 pages) and a one-page pitch outlining a potential series or serial idea for BBC One, BBC Two or BBC Three. The original spec script can be film, theatre, television or radio – any medium except for novels.
  • The pitch needs to be a different idea from the spec script. It should be as distinctive as possible, bearing in mind the current, competitive TV landscape in the UK and abroad.
  • The aim of the Programme is to give writers their first original television drama series or serial commission.
  • Writers must not have an original idea in development (beyond treatment stage) with BBC Television Drama. Writers in development outside the BBC are eligible to apply.
  • Writers must not have had a previous original series or serial commission from BBC One, BBC Two or BBC Three.
  • Writers must demonstrate a burning desire to write television drama.


  • It is essential that applicants have an interest in and enthusiasm for television drama. Submissions will be assessed on the strength of the writing and the originality of the pitch.
  • Applicants must be resident in the UK or Republic of Ireland.
  • The Logline, medium and genre on the E-submissions form refers to the spec script and not the pitch.
  • Submissions must be the writer’s original work, and may not be based wholly or in part, on the work of any other person, whether known, published, produced, or not (i.e. no adaptations).
  • As well as individual writers, writing partnerships of two (maximum) may enter. Scripts submitted must be written by the partnership.
  • No feedback can be given on unsuccessful submissions.


12 noon on Monday 13th September 2021

The first round of interviews will be held in early 2022 (dates tbc). Shortlisted writers will then have meetings with independent production companies in February/March 2022.

Selected writers must be free to attend a three day intensive workshop in 2022 (dates tbc) and available to write their script and attend a series of writing workshops, lectures and readings across the subsequent months. They will also receive notes on their pitches and each draft of their treatment and script.



Published on:
28 Jul 2021
Opportunity deadline:
13 Sep 2021