Untapped Award for theatre ensembles

Untapped, presented by New Diorama and Underbelly, is the most ambitious opportunity on offer to take exceptional work to the Edinburgh Fringe. They’re making it possible for three emerging/mid-career theatre ensembles to go to the festival, offering a cash investment of £3000 per group, as well as marketing and press support, securing a favourable Underbelly venue and time slot, and much more.

The Untapped Award is open to Theatre Companies only. Companies must have a minimum of two performers in their production. The award is not open to Comedy and Improv troupes, or Solo performers.

Support will include:

  • A press officer to develop and run a press campaign for the Untapped Award, and to provide a PR advice session to companies
  • A financial contribution of £3000 to each group to go towards travel, accommodation, Fringe registration and subsistenc
  • A favourable timeslot and venue for the show for the Edinburgh Fringe
  • A 65/35 split in the company’s favour, with no deposit or guarantee
  • 7 hours of flyering a day to be split between the three shows
  • A captioned performance during the run free of charge
  • One free of charge technical operator for each show
  • Production photography for each show
  • Workshops with our respective teams on a variety of topics including producing and marketing
  • Support during the Edinburgh Festival Fringe itself – being on hand to discuss the progress of the show, sales strategies, and any issues the companies face
  • Additional marketing support as available
  • A featured slot at New Diorama’s London venue after the Fringe



Midnight on Wednesday 9th January 2019.

Please note that if shortlisted for the UNTAPPED Award you will be required to be in London on either the 20th or 21st January to showcase a short excerpt of your work, and be available to perform for the entirety of the Edinburgh Fringe, 31 July – 26 August, 2019.


For further information about the award and to apply, please click here

Published on:
15 Oct 2018