Royal Exchange Theatre
4.30PM Sat July 1st
Join Dr Felicia Chan and Dr MaoHui Deng of the the University of Manchester to explore how Asian and Asian American people been depicted in the history of American culture. How is “Asian American” understood here? Have this imagination of Asian-ness and Asian American-ness changed in recent years and what are the panellists hopes for the future of depictions of Asian and Asian American people?
Dr Felicia Chan is Senior Lecturer in Screen Studies at the University of Manchester where she researches the construction of national, cultural and cosmopolitan imaginaries in film, as well as the influence of institutional and industrial practices on the production, distribution and reception of film. She is the author of Cosmopolitan Cinema (Bloomsbury 2017) and co-editor of Women in East Asian Cinema (Edinburgh UP, forthcoming 2023).
Dr MaoHui Deng is Lecturer in Film Studies at the University of Manchester. His research is interested in the ways in which time works in and through cinema. He is the author of Ageing, Dementia and Time in Film: Temporal Performances (Edinburgh University Press, 2023), and his essay ‘Singapore as Non-Place: National Cinema through the Lens of Temporal Heterogeneity’, published in Asian Cinema, was awarded the Best Doctoral Student Article by the British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies in 2021.
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