World Productions (The Pembrokeshire Murders, Bodyguard, Line of Duty), BBC Writersroom and BBC Drama Commissioning are looking for the next generation of television writers who have bold and original stories to tell.

To celebrate the launch of World’s new Cardiff office, World and the BBC are collaborating to discover writers and bring distinctive and contemporary Welsh stories to a television audience.

Open to both emerging and established writers, this programme will offer a paid opportunity to develop an original series idea with World Productions. Two writers will be chosen to be taken into development with World and write a treatment commission.

This scheme is looking for stories about Wales: the emotionally powerful, thought-provoking, inspiring, celebratory, relevant or surprising narratives that reflect the variety and diversity of life in Wales today – whilst speaking to a global audience.


  • To be eligible for this scheme, you must be able to represent Wales with authenticity (for example you may be from there or have lived/worked there). You must also be confident that you can demonstrate a clear understanding of the culture, telling relevant stories in a fresh and original way.
  • This scheme is aimed at writers who have already gained some experience in crafting stories, and are ready to step up to developing a series idea. You must have had at least one professionally produced fiction script, at least 15 minutes long, for television, radio, podcast, theatre or film.
  • Writers with an original idea already in development (beyond treatment stage) with BBC Drama Commissioning, or those who have already had an original scripted series broadcast by the BBC, are not eligible to apply. However, writers in development outside the BBC are welcome to apply.
  • All applicants must be aged 18 or over, and be a resident in the UK or Republic of Ireland at the time of application and for the duration of the programme.
  • Individual writers or writing partnership of two (max) may enter. For writing partnerships, both writers must fulfil all the criteria.


10am on 23rd August 2021.

Published on:
2 Aug 2021
Opportunity deadline:
23 Aug 2021