Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:30 – 20:30 BSTs.
BSL Interpreted by Michelle Wood and Lynne Bateman. It will also be auto-captioned.
The Salon is a relaxed space. People will be given regular breaks and are able to take additional breaks as needed.
CRIPtic x Spread the Word is a year-long programme of writers’ salons, led by industry-leading creatives including a workshop, reading and open mic.
The Salon aims to support and promote underrepresented writers and be an inclusive space where deaf and disabled writers can be part of a community, learn, have fun and share their work.
This Salon has a workshop, followed by a reading and Q&A with Hayleigh Barclay and an opportunity for you to take part in an open mic (five x five mins slots are available and you need to apply for them in advance – there is more information on this further down this page).
The Salon is open to deaf and disabled writers writing in any genre, new or more experienced and is hosted by Alice Christina-Corrigan, Community Programmes Officer at CRIPtic Arts.
6.30pm – 7.20pm: Writing workshop with Hayleigh Barclay: ‘Writing Lyrical – how to create stories from songs.’
7.20 – 7.35pm: break
7.35pm – 8.30pm: Reading and Q& A with Hayleigh Barclay + open mic
About Hayleigh Barclay: Hayleigh is a Scottish based writer. Having previously obtained a Masters in Creative Media Practises, she attended the University of Glasgow and gained a Doctorate of Fine Arts in Creative Writing. Published her gothic fantasy debut novel, Girl of the Ashes, in 2020. Co-edited anthology Stories from Home, during the pandemic for The Ambulance Staff Charity. Regular short story writer for Disability Horizons often using humour and satire to discuss disability issues. Currently represented by Long Road Talent for scriptwriting and is working on several scriptwriting projects.
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