
YV:IDemystify is a series of free events for theatre makers to promote the sharing of best practice models, help open up new pathways in the industry and aid people in navigating their creative journeys.

Breaking down doors

Thursday 23 Jan, 4pm-6pm

Tickets are FREE but must be booked in advance
Maximum of 2 tickets can be booked per person

The Maria- YOUNG VIC 

Speakers Chris Sonnex & Matthew Xia will lead an informal, in-the-round conversation, intended to kick start sharing, questions and experiences from the group.This event looks at innovative ways into forging a creative career. It will begin with two creators of work who came to realise that received or set paths needed rethinking, and who went on to create their own best circumstances for the work they wanted to make or see made. Creators who chose, rather than knocking on doors, to create their own doors.



Directing and Dramaturgy 

Friday 14 Feb, 4pm-6pm

Tickets are FREE but must be booked in advance
Maximum of 2 tickets can be booked per person

The Clare- YOUNG VIC

This event looks at dramaturgy as an integral part of the development of a production, including, but not limited to, work on text. Which dramaturgical tools should be in a creator’s toolkit? How do dramaturges help create a show? And how do dramaturges help shape European theatre?



Published on:
6 Jan 2020


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