Apply by 23 February 2015
Our partners at HighTide Festival are giving you talented bunch of scribblers the chance to have your play read at their brilliant theatre festival in Aldeburgh in September 2016.
Up to two winners of this brief will each receive feedback from Steven Atkinson, HighTide Artistic Director, and Stephanie Street HighTide Literary Associate, and a public reading at HighTide’s London offices. If a play is deemed to be exceptional, there may then be the chance to have the reading remounted at the HighTide Festival 2016 in Aldeburgh.
The HighTide Literary Department exists to discover and nurture exciting new plays by exceptional emerging writers and has quickly become an engine room for new writing in the UK.
If you’re a writer and would like to send your script to HighTide, then the Literary Department is your first port of call. They are particularly looking for bold plays that engage with the world we live in, and share contemporary experience through playful theatricality. HighTide are looking for full-length new plays, not previously produced work, and will happily accept scripts in English from writers around the world.
All you need to do is read the terms and conditions (see below), check that your script is eligible and then upload it in response to the brief.
HighTide will only consider full-length plays, conceived for live performance.
Please note this is the only opportunity to submit your unsolicited play to HighTide for the chance to be produced at HighTide 2016 Festival. HighTide will not be accepting submissions once this brief has closed. Another brief will open at the end of 2015 for unsolicited submissions for HighTide 2017 Festival.
Find out more and apply at